Bears and Company es una banda de indie rock/progresivo de Kansas City, Missouri. Cada integrante es influenciado de manera diferente por la música y juntos crean un único sabor para aquellos con la boca abierta. Son una banda que comparte una historia que vale la pena escuchar y pintan un constante tono que la ilustra. Es una banda que se mete en tu cara y te hara gritar cada una de sus palabras, ellos crean un sonido que se conecta hoestamente y trabaja incansablemente para romper cualquier resistencia. Bears empezaron cuando el compositor, Alexander McClain, (guitarrista y Vocalista) y Logan Tyler (voz y bajo) se juntan en un invierno de su primer y ultimo año de universidad y comienzan a trabajar en las canciones e ideas de Bears and Company, no mucho tiempo después uno buen amigo de McClain y antiguo compañero de banda, Allan Latini ( baterista) se une a la banda.

Como trio la banda tuvo varios conciertos, escribieron y grabaron un E.P. y con el tiempo decidieron dar un paso adelante en la dirección de sus canciones y guitarras. Zach Knoll ( guitarra) se convirtio en la pieza que faltaba del rompecabeza. Entonces empezaron a escribir su primer disco de larga duración, South Of The Mountain, en el 2011 y empezaron un camino junto al productor Aaron Crawford. Después de una larga gira de verano vuelven al estudio para grabar el disco finalmente.
Puedes conocer mas de la banda visitando su Facebook
Puedes escuchar su disco aquí

Bears and Company is a progressive/indie rock band out of Kansas City Missouri. Each member comes from different musical backgrounds and collectively they craft a unique taste for those with open mouths. They are a band that share a story worth listening to, and paint a constant raging tone to illustrate such. Is a band that gets in your face and will have you screaming every word in company. They create sound for honest connection, and work restlessly to break any and all resistance. The Bears started when songwriters, Alexander McClain (Guitar/Vocals) and Logan Tyler (Vocals/Bass) got together in the winter of their first and last year of college and began working on the songs and ideas of Bears and Company. Not long after McClain’s long time friend and past bandmate, Allan Latini (Drums) joined the band out of great desire to be a part of a hard hitting project.
As a Trio the band played multiple shows, wrote, and recorded an unreleased E.P. and in time decided that it was time to step up their song direction and guitar section. Zach Knoll (Guitar) became the missing piece of the puzzle after a couple sessions. Charisma came completely natural for the four piece and things took off immediately. They began writing their full length record titled, South of the Mountain, in the fall of 2011 and started tracking it in the birth of the new year with producer Aaron Crawford (The Beautiful Bodies, We Are Voices, Flee the Seen, Now Now Sleepyhead). After a long summer of touring and hard work they returned to the studio to record their debut album “South of The Mountain”.