
Marmore Rock Progresivo desde Italia

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Esta semana tenemos el gusto de presentarles a Marmore, banda Italiana formada en marzo del 2013 por tres buenos amigos, Fra, Salvo y Gatto, basicamente los tres han tocado juntos toda su vida y por mas de 10 años han estado tocando en diferentes bandas, como la experiencia inolvidable de londres “Crashing Foreigns Cars, y después de algunos años en UK se vieron forzados a separarse antes de que decidieran reunirse nuevamente y empezar un nueva banda de rock con un estilo instrumental- progresivo.

En abril de este año lanzaron su primer EP “Paura della luce” disco que grabaron en londres y masterizaron en Verona, Italia.

Una excelente banda que demuestra que hacer música instrumental es un arte donde los instrumentos hablan por sí solos, es sólo música y tus sentidos, sin voces distractoras de los increíbles riffs y melodías que crean estos tres amigos.

This week we have the pleasure to introduce a new band from London, Marmore is a band formed in March 2013, by three lifetime friends, Fra, Salvo and Gatto. Their story is pretty simple, they basically played together their whole life, more than 10 years spent playing in different bands, such as the unforgettable experience of the London-based “Crashing Foreign Cars”. After a few years spent in the UK they’re forced to take some time off, before deciding to start again as a progressive-insturmental rock band.

On april of this year they released an EP “Paura della luce”, the recording was made ​​in a studio in london and mastering in Verona, Italy.

An excellent band that show us that make instrumental music is an art where the instruments speaks for themselfs, its just music and your senses, without distracting voices of the amazing riffs and melodies, that this three friends create.

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