Highly Suspect, voces y acordes asperos desde Brooklyn
Quizas hayas estado en esa fiesta donde aparece un tipo lleno de tatuajes en una motocicleta con una guitarra colgando en su espalda y probablemente hayas voltiado a verlo o preguntado ¿quién es ese?. Pues así llega a Brooklyn un trio de rock, Highly Suspect, sus tres miembros, Johnny Stevens ( guitarrista y vocalista ) y los gemelos, Rich ( bajista ) y Ryan Meyer ( baterista ), siendo ellos ese tipo.
El trio ha tocado 800 conciertos en 6 años, apoyando a bandas como My Morning Jacket y Grizzly Bear, y arrastrado a su mayor audiencia hasta la fecha en el Lollapalooza BMI Stage.
Los chicos se mudaron juntos despues de terminar el colegio en el 2006 compartiendo algunos años, sus primeras peleas y mas de alguna fiesta llena de alcohol y drogas, hasta darse cuenta que estaban destinados a formar una banda. “Tocar música juntos era justo lo que haciamos cuando estabamos jodidos o si habian chicas por ahí, o si estaba lloviendo afuera” No tardaron mucho en darse cuenta que accidentalmente crearon Highly Suspect. Una vez notaron que habia mucha gente que se idenificaba con su energía y letras que nos les quedo otro remedio que poner su musica a rodar.
Cuando tocan en vivo en el momento en que pisan el escenario te das cuenta que los cigarros quemados, las chaquetas de cuero, y las botas con un largo camino recorrido no son en vano. Desde las voces asperas y los acordes de guitarras distorcionados hasta las ambiciosas melodias mezcladas con letras como encocainadas, es lo que encontrarás en su musica, en su cuarto Ep, Bloodfeather, encontrarás justo las canciones que has querido escuchar.
En su ultimo Ep llamando Highly Suspect, quienes escuchan conocerán a James Bondesque protagonista que se enamora de una chica que pudiera secretamente una villana, en la canción “Lost”, te sentirás confundido como cuando la única persona en el mundo que realmente amas es la única que también puede hacerte caer, en “Mom” meterás tu cabeza en un profundo túnel de recuerdos que harán que choques en tu propia tristeza, todo este trabajo musical expresa el alma de estos músicos, combatiendo el miedo que quizás otras bandas sientan mientras comparten entre ellos en los niveles más profundos.
You may have been to that party—the one where a guy plastered in ink showed up on a motorcycle with a guitar slung around his back. You probably either rolled your eyes and raised your fists, or asked, “Who is that?”. When it comes to Brooklyn rock trio Highly Suspect, all three members, Johnny Stevens (guitars and lead vocals) and twins, Rich (bassist) and Ryan Meyer (drums)are that guy. The trio have played 800 shows in six years, having supported bands like My Morning Jacket and Grizzly Bear, and have drawn the biggest audience todate to the Lollapalooza BMI Stage (as the day’s opener no less).
They’ve also raged in all of your basements.
The boys moved in together after high school in 2006 and would share a few years, a few fist fights, and more than a few drugandalcoholfueled parties, before they would realize that they might have been destined to start a band. “Playing music together was just something we did when we were fucked up, or if there were girls over, or if it was raining out. It’s cold in the Northeast,” says Johnny. But it wouldn’t take long for them to realize that they had accidentally created the very foundation of what would eventually become Highly Suspect. Once they noticed just how many people could identify with the energy they produced and the lyrics they were sharing, there was no other option than to take it on the road.
When it comes to their live show, the second these guys hit the stage, you discover that their burnt out cigarettes, leather jackets, and their welltraveled boots aren’t a front. From raspy vocals and ampedup guitar chords, to ambitious rhythms blending so uniquely with cocainecovered lyrics, the true story of three guys who know what it means to go hungry will slowly begin to unravel. On their forthcoming EP, Bloodfeather, you’ll find the songs that you’re always hoping to hear (but never actually do) when you push your favorite alt radio station preset button.
Just as these twentysomething guyswho were invited back to play SXSW for their second year in a row this springso happen to dabble in graffiti, sex, and rock & roll, so do their songs happen to feel like a page out of your own wildest life moments: on the EP’s selftitled track, listeners meet a James Bondesque protagonist who falls for a girl that may or may not secretly be a villain; on “Lost” you’ll feel torn, like when the only person in the world that you truly love is also the only one who brings you down; on “Mom” you’ll fall head first into a deep, dark tunnel of memories that make you choke on your own sadness—all of which work to completely expose the souls of these musicians, combating the fear that other bands might face while sharing themselves on their own deepest levels.